florence roby

Luxury Uniform Suppliers

Florence Roby is one of the UK’s leading suppliers of luxury work uniforms for the beauty, spa, hotel and medical industries. With over 50 years’ experience, we are proud to celebrate UK design and manufacturing at its finest.

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Monart Day Spa, Poundbury

Monart Day Spa, Poundbury

Monart Day Spa is a family owned and managed luxury spa,located at the heart of Poundbury in Dorchester, Dorset. An Irish company, it also operates...

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The Spa at Carden

The Spa at Carden

The Spa at Carden, in the Cheshire countryside, began sourcing uniforms for its head therapists from Florence Roby three months ago. A multi-award ...

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Capua TunicCapua Tunic


On sale

Capua Tunic

£34.30 £49
Nola TunicNola Tunic


On sale

Nola Tunic

£25 £43.50
Mystery Box


On sale

Mystery Box

£25 £225
Gavello TunicGavello Tunic


On sale

Gavello Tunic

£34.87 £46.50


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